We have a new quilt guild in Morgan City, LA! The Sew Happy Quilters Guild. We are going to have a super quilt show in early 2011! Until then we are busy with quilts for charities. Quilts for Kids is our main charity. They give quilts to kids in hospitals, are victim of disaster. It's really cool! They send us the kits (fabric, instructions,
label) we provide the sewing, batting , and quilting. We then send it back to them along with a few of our own to add to the pile. Then they do there thing! This program is sponsored by Downy, you may have seen it on TV. If you would like to help out, just go to
www.quiltsforkids.org . We are also making quilts for a local fundraiser to fight childhood cancer. Other projects slated are quilts for a local church youth group to auction off, a quilt for the local troop of Boy Scouts to raffle off. We are just SEW Happy to help out!