Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sew Happy.Me Sewalong

I participated in a sewalong on a quilting blog this week. You can do it too! Just go to

I made mine a little larger by adding strips to each side of the front panel, the a smaller strip to the top and bottom. It was a really fun and CUTE project. If you hop over to you'll see a boy bunny version too!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I can not believe that I can not manage to get to my blog on a regular basis! Might have something do with ADD! I flit around from one thing to another 18 hours a day. Seems I hardly finish anything these days. I am currently working on no less that 4 projects! ALL need to be done within the month ( if not sooner). We will be welcoming a grandson to the family REAL SOON! SOOOOOOOOO excited!!Thus, the many projects in the works. Car seat cover, nearly done; diaper bag, not cut out yet; baby carrier (sling), thinking about; baby carrier (back pack) , thinking about. Then there's the Giving Quilt Challenge, due March 9th, most of the blocks complete...still need to put it together and QUILT it!!! Thankfully we have this little thing called Mardi Gras down here and the kids are out of school for 3 days. That adds up to a 5 day stretch of days "off". That starts this Saturday. I should be able get all that done, Lord willing. I will do my best to get picture posted and may even manage a tutorial.

Stay tuned!